inca trail history

The Inca Trail or Capac Ñan, is a main Andean road built by the Inca emperor Pachacutec that served to connect Cusco, the capital of the Inca empire, with the other cities that comprised the Tahuantinsuyo and was the main axis of political and economic power of the Inca empire, with a road network of more than 23,000 kilometers long built in more than 2000 years of pre-Inca and Inca culture.

The Inca trail or Capac Ñan was built along collateral roads that proposed and evidenced the Inca expansion throughout the length and breadth of the Andes Mountains, allowing them to control the territorial space in a more appropriate way horizontally, vertically and propitiated the proper management of high Andean floors.

The Inca Trail in pre-Inca and Inca times, the groups and cultures that inhabited the southwest of South America built and constructed stretches of roads that were improved in the Inca period. Pachacutec in his reign from 1400 to 1471 began the expansion of his empire with the construction of stretches of Inca roads that expanded to Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, which served as an axis of communication between cities being a dynamic axis of political, social and economic relations.

 When the Spaniards arrived during the conquest, they destroyed all the roads and others were disappearing in the lush forests and others began to deteriorate over the years. In 1911, when Machupicchu was discovered by archaeologist Hiram Bingham, he discovered the Inca trail and thus discovered that these roads led to other archaeological sites along its length.

In 1970, the route of the Inca Trail was discovered by the Peruvian archaeologist Victor Angles who, thanks to his expedition, was able to gather more information about the contact of the Inca trails with Machupicchu.

Year of construction of the Inca Trail

The construction of the Inca Trail dates back to pre-Inca times and was improved by the Incas during the period of the Inca governor Pachacutec in the years 1400 to 1471.

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