How to reach from Humantay lake to Cusco

The distance Humantay to Cusco is 128.4 km, in a distance time of 3 hours 45 minutes.

Getting from Humantay lake to Cusco (without travel agency)

  • Once we are in the Humantay lake we must begin the descent that will take us an average of 1h30 min to 2 hours to reach Soraypampa.
  • In Soraypampa we must take the cab service that we took one way, remember to hire the service back and forth.
  • Once we are in Soraypampa we will take the cab to Mollepata in a 1 hour trip.
  • In Mollepata we will have lunch and then we will take interprovincial public buses to Cusco.

Important note: remember to be early in Mollepata to be able to find buses to Cusco, arriving late will not guarantee you to get buses and therefore you will have to spend the night in a lodge in the area.

Getting from Humantay lake to Cusco (With travel agency)

If you take the tour service with a travel agency, you don’t have to worry because the round trip service is guaranteed and included in your Humantay lake tour.

Contact us for more information about How to reach from Humantay lake to Cusco