You have wondered which one is better or in what they differ both mountains of colors Vinincunca or Palcoyo however, both possess a unique natural beauty that makes it important within the most visited tourist destinations by thousands of tourists.
The mountain Palcoyo or mountain of colors Palcoyo has a peculiar resemblance to the mountain of colors of Vinincunca for the natural colors that present their mountains and to be considered as an alternative to the mountain of Vinincunca for having an easier access route for the tourist and ideal for all ages.
The two main reasons for which this tourist route is not of much tourist affluence is for being new in the tourist market and second for marketing reasons to be a new attraction travel agencies give more priority to the mountain of Vinicunca as it has a position recognized worldwide and for being a must-see destination according to National Geographic. This 2022 the mountain of Colors Palcoyo is having very good tourist reception by the good comments of many tourists who recommend this place as an attraction that offers more than what it offers.
- Located at 4900 – 5000 meters above sea level.
- Tourist affluence: low
- Hiking time: 30 minutes approximately
- Difficulty level: medium
- Attractions: 3 Colored Mountains, Red Valley and the Forest of Stones.
- Recommended season of visit between the months of April to November where you can have a view of the mountain in splendor in the colors that this presents, the other months later it is a little difficult to see the splendor of the mountains by the presence of snowfall that cover the entire area.
The mountain Vinincunca called this way by the inhabitants of the area, its commercial tourist name is the Mountain of 7 Colors that managed to become very famous throughout the world for the different colors that have their summits and that give a rainbow appearance. Discovered a few years ago and has been listed as one of the essential places to visit in the National Geographic magazine and visited by thousands of tourists in recent years.
- Located at 5200 meters above sea level.
- Recommended season to visit between the months of April to November.
- Tourist affluence: high
- Hiking time: 2 to 3 hours approximately
- Grade of difficulty: medium – difficult
- Attractions. The Colored Mountain and the Red Valley
- Recommended season to visit between the months of April to November where you can have a view of the mountain in splendor in the colors that this presents, the other months later it is a little difficult to see the splendor of the mountains by the presence of snowfall that covers the entire area.

What to visit Palcoyo or Vinicunca?
Both tourist attractions are equally beautiful, each one has a natural beauty, according to this information you can know both places.